Early Help Strategy Consultation 2025-2026




Purpose of this consultation

Cheshire East Council are reviewing their Early Help Strategy 2025-2026.  Part of this process includes consulting with people living in Cheshire East, as well as professionals working in Cheshire East to allow us to understand what currently works well and what we need to improve and in what ways.

 The draft Early Help Strategy (2025-2026) has been developed as a continuation of our existing strategy, building on the strengths of approaches adopted and identifying areas for improvement and development; this in terms of strengthening our partnership approach and responding to emerging needs.  

Please review the draft Early Help Strategy 2025-2026 (PDF 8.8 MB) before answering the questions.

Submitting your comments

Please submit your consultation response by 5 March 2025 by completing this questionnaire. 

For any queries about this consultation, e.g. if you would like to receive this questionnaire in an alternative format or submit your response in a different way, please email the Research and Consultation Team CEConsultation@cheshireeast.gov.uk. If you do not have email access, please call Customer Services on 0300 123 5011  who will send the response on your behalf.

Once the consultation closes, we will analyse all responses, produce a summary report of them, and publish this online on our consultation results webpage.

Your confidentiality is assured

Any personal information you supply will be used in line with the latest Data Protection legislation. To find out more about how we use your information, please see our privacy policy.