The Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND - Your feedback


1. Introduction

What is the Toolkit for SEND?

The Cheshire East Toolkit for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provides detailed guidance on how educational settings, such as nurseries, schools and colleges, can identify children and young people with different types and levels of special educational need, along with information on appropriate steps and strategies to support them. It also provides information about when a request for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment, or specialist services, may be required. 

Reasons for this feedback form
We want the Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND to be as useful as possible for educational settings across the 0-25 age range - we therefore appreciate any feedback that you may have. Your feedback will be used to improve the document for future use., and shall be incorporated into future updates of the Toolkit.
For any questions or queries regarding the Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND, please contact

Completing this form, and your confidentiality

Please fill in this form to give us your feedback, it should take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Any personal information you supply will remain strictly confidential and will be held and used in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information you provide will only be used by Cheshire East Council to analyse results of this survey. We will not pass on your personal information to any third parties.